Edmass Foods Limited (Edmass) is one of the nine (9) SMEs participating in the Feed the Future Ghana Trade Investment (GTI) Sales Expansion Project, that DevAfric is implementing.

Edmass is a Ghanaian food processing company that adds value to various agricultural crops, including cassava and maize. The Company’s mission is to deliver quality, safe, and affordable processed agricultural goods for consumer and industrial use in the domestic and international markets. The Company’s product range includes oblayo, agbelima (cassava flour), ekwegbemi (maize grits), Edmass Mealxtra, gari, and kokonte (cassava flour).

After conducting a digital audit, DevAfric vetted and connected the Company to an experienced web designer, who is also an e-Commerce, social media, and digital marketing expert, to enhance Edmass’ digital presence and performance.  With further technical support from DevAfric, Edmass has redesigned its product packaging for a more appealing presentation and has successfully penetrated the international market with its Mealxtra and other consumer products. This transformation and the Sales and Marketing Training held for SMEs in Ho in May 2024 have significantly boosted Edmass’ sales and marketing efforts.

Click here to place your order and learn more about Edmass.

DevAfric’s team meeting with Edmass management during a field visit to Edmass
The Edmass team at the Sales and Marketing Training